Owning a home requires a lot of work; it seems there’s always something to fix, maintain, or take care of. But doing so can help add to the value of your home, so when you’re ready to sell, you can get the maximum price from your buyer. Fortunately, many projects are DIY tasks that won’t break the bank or take up too much of your time. These are the ones to focus on, since they’re the easiest way to boost the value of your home.

Consider your home’s value

Sprucing up your home with value-boosting DIY improvements can not only make your space more enjoyable, but also increase its market value. From painting walls to upgrading fixtures, these enhancements can significantly transform the look and feel of your home. Remember to save all your receipts and take before-and-after photos; they can serve as valuable records for potential buyers and for tax purposes.

Begin with a budget

Whether you want to update the bathroom, create a better landscape out front, or cut back on your utility costs, there are dozens of ways you can get started. It helps to have a good plan in the beginning, however, so walk through your home and make a list of all the things you see that can make an impact but won’t cut into your budget.

Do some research to find out how much you can expect to spend, and set a budget and timeline. Keep in mind that these will change from project to project, and you’ll need to consult with a professional for the big stuff, like drywall, electrical work, and plumbing.

Give it a fresh coat

You might be surprised at how much a fresh coat of paint can improve the look of a room. It’s not necessary to make a huge change in color; a neutral tone works great in living areas. Think about the trim and baseboards as well, since these can look dull after the walls are repainted. Use painter’s tape to keep the lines nice and neat, and don’t forget to cover the floors to prevent drips and drops of paint from splattering.

Update your backyard or patio

Simple changes to your patio and garden area will go a long way toward enhancing your exterior.  Start with plants or flowers to add some greenery and color, and keep seasonal plants in mind when considering your decor.

Try out unique planters or even whiskey barrels to complement the aesthetic you’re going for. Next, consider DIY projects like adding paving stones, gravel pathways, a fire pit, or even a pergola to boost your backyard or patio appeal.

Consider bringing in a pro to help with bigger changes, like reimagining your backyard landscaping or helping build a deck. The right expertise can help shape your journey, or spark your imagination with ideas you’ve never dreamed of.

Create a home office

Also consider adding a home office, a great idea especially if you work from home. You can convert an unused bedroom or even an underused dining room to a space you can put to work for you. A productive home office should be one that’s comfortable and equipped with all the right supplies and ergonomic furniture including your desk and chair.

Change the lighting

You don’t have to go all out with fancy fixtures; simply using energy-efficient light bulbs in every room — and utilizing natural light when possible — can help you cut way back on your utility bills every month, and this is always a plus for buyers. If you want to think a little bigger, install solar panels on the roof to get the most from the sunlight in your area.

Change your curtains

If you want to add some pizzazz to your home without spending a fortune, changing your curtains or sheers is a great way to enhance your decor. Plus, you can easily make your own sheers or curtains with the right fabric, templates and how-to videos. Find a style you like, then plot out what you want in the end result. As you begin your project, remember to adopt the adage of measure twice and cut once so that you have enough material.

Plant some trees

Updating the landscaping overall isn’t a bad idea, but specifically, adding the right trees in the right spots can help bring shade to your home, which will cut cooling costs in the summer and boost your home’s curb appeal and value at the same time. Do some research to find the right kind of tree — you might want to stay away from one that will shed fruit or nuts if you don’t have the time to maintain it — and make sure you have a good planting spot in mind before you get started.

Improve the air quality

If your home has carpeting, consider tearing it out and replacing it with hardwood, tile, or laminate flooring. Not only will this add value because it’s easier to take care of — which buyers love — it also improves the air quality inside the home by removing allergens, dust, and pet hair and dander. You might also consider checking out the heating and air system in your home to make sure the filters are in good shape; this will not only improve the air quality, but will help reduce energy costs as well.

Whether you’re adding a home office or designing your own curtains, tackling some simple DIY projects around the house can really add to the value, but it’s important to recognize when something is too big for you to handle. Call in the pros when it comes to wiring or pipes, and always get an estimate first so you can stay on budget.

Photo by Unsplash